Sunday, October 30, 2016

PdM Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

As an electrician for 30 years, I am intrigued when our team began implementing reliability monitoring process state with a support system that values ​​the contributions of technicians.

A new culture of predictive maintenance, emerged before our eyes. Electricians used to change a smoking engine in an emergency. Now, the engines were changed as part of a work program established with good handpieces. There was no time to achieve interruption of production.

I saw the application of new technologies and training to understand the potential of these new tools and greater interaction between management, technical staff and craftsmen who are respected and valued - never seen from an old electrician who has seen all flavors "daily management program."

There were some who resisted, but these people tend to quickly find a way out and leave work for those who enjoy challenging work that offers freedom and rewards. That is, after all, the method of maintaining the future.

In this new culture it has increased the desire for continuous improvement. Dividends are obvious to anyone who knows the popular culture of maintenance.

One of the best things about the transition of our facilities PDM approach is giving me opportunities for self-evaluation and testing of proven technology and professional fields. technician certified service reliability (CMRT), and the eight members of our group I'm passed the reliability test CMRT company maintenance and reliability professionals. the level of program operation is validated. best practices world class - and exchange them both internally and with the visit of the business units - was expected.

Cultural change is one of the hardest things to implement. I had a discussion with a couple of our old mechanical hand of the importance of changing the specific maintenance of the area, where a single technician has a domain and known failure modes to maintain reliability, maintenance of alertness. The ability to have technicians come in and do a state of the scanner with new tools is the new world. To be competitive, you can not afford to have a technician, no matter how dedicated he or she is confined to one area.

I asked the technician what happens when the maintenance area is off or person when he or she transfers. Where is the service company dedicated next? The logic is undeniable, but it is a hard pill to swallow for maintaining a proud craftsman. Dan experienced technicians that same state surveillance tools multiply their effectiveness.

Achieving these arguments will ease the pain of change, but it takes training someone who understands the trenches of a new approach and a new mentality stick. Increase the value of the technical assistance program focused on improving the overall health of the machines instead of the obsession repairing a piece of equipment does not immediately. Craftsmen, particularly those dedicated craftsmen old school, love to fix things. To limit this experience raised a ruling leaves 10 other failures that are not found yet.

Share stories and experiences of success should be a tool for predictive maintenance application other company sites. In addition to helping avoid the problems that have been experienced at the start of a predictive maintenance program, which gives hope to the technicians who encounter difficulties in changing the culture and the application of new surveillance tools for state. To know that there are other people who have experience and who have been in similar circumstances and are willing to share and listen removes the isolation that maintenance technicians often perceive.

Keep in mind ...

As you progress along its route predictive maintenance, keep the following truths and best practices in mind.

A technology that no training will not know what is and is not important in data collection. Guidance on the collection and analysis of data is essential. I learned a lot when I started, but had an engine technology with experience to guide me. Trust is built on success.

Training in aspects that the test equipment is used for condition monitoring is a must. Provide accurate and incisive analysis and reports give a technical credibility. There has to be a basis for craftsmen and planners to act safely on the recommendations of the technicians.
Getting rid of the mentality of "How long until we fail?". Once an anomaly was discovered on a point for the desired mode of failure, it intends to withdraw equipment should start. Removing the team with the best time for a job that will not interfere with the production time and having fully dressed and ready for the maintenance of local craftsmen employment are essential for successful predictive maintenance.

The costs of replacement equipment must be calculated with savings from lower repair costs and reduced downtime for equipment maintenance unplanned.

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