- Customers seeking greater energy independence through the available options, such as newly self-supply, electric vehicles, microgrids and demand response.
- Advancing technology. The transition to both the utility and client-side digital equipment, advanced microprocessor applications, storage battery, wireless devices and cloud computing accelerates.
- Asset utilization. Customers and utilities are motivated reason to increase the useful life of the asset, improved capacity factors, reduce losses and increase efficiency.
- Performance. Customers have high expectations for the failure response time, power quality and availability of information about the system.
- The pace of communication. Customers expect immediate information about the blackouts, energy use, the status of project plans and pricing.
Factors such as sunlight, topography, geography, customer makeup and regulatory environment require a revision to serve to the best of one of the customers and remain competitive in the new world.
The recipe for change response
To build your program flexible network, APS has selected five basic technology components: energy management systems (transmission), the management system of advanced distribution (ADMS, distribution), advanced metering infrastructure infrastructure (AMI) communication and analysis advanced. An important factor for Arizona APS is solar radiation, which is very high even by world standards.APS was increased from less than 200 solar customers in 2008 to more than 42,000 today. The impact on the distribution system was unbelievable. Now, with feeders containing hundreds of sources of production of solar energy, and reverse power flow times, APS must maintain power quality, reliability standards and dynamic tension throughout the day. APS response was a new technology that offers visualization and automation.
No. Once and done
APS uses a sliding window of five-year benchmarks to assess whether it moves quickly enough and its core technologies chosen are always correct. function distribution operations and maintenance of APS has benefited more by installing fault indicators that communicate, control switches surveillance.Strategic conversions for self-isolation systems and two-way communications capacitor banks with strategic conversions control volt / var integrated. AMI has resulted in significant operational advantages given APS seasonal mix of customers and usage time.
Now usage data to customers can be added for load profiles in secondary distribution transformers and analyze the voltage at the outputs. Then, with a bidirectional control of banks capitalization and line drivers to dynamically control voltage, the system can be optimized to handle more renewable generation and perform with better quality food.
APS began its network modernization effort through pilot programs that allow experimentation and customization. Drivers help reveal what processes, procedures, skills and staffing levels should be changed. Many of the new technologies need more communication networks and security architects, software inventory and more diverse strategies of implementation and operation.
Change management involving farmers and cooperatives is necessary that everyone sees the benefits of these new tools.
A new ADMS system with central control and data storage has been selected to use all the capabilities of data analysis and monitoring state spending based on the calendar. APS advises new developers to start slowly and build foundationally based on key factors affecting its usefulness. To do otherwise overwhelm a company database cost management and change. update annually the modernization plan to catch market developments or other changes.
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